
张谢雯 海丝海思






Why didnt Zheng He fight back when he was attacked in Java?



Here’s what happened. Zheng He’s fleet set out to sail southward and arrived in Java half a month later. After that, they were intended to go on southward, however, a tragedy occurred unexpectedly and forced the voyage to be suspended.




At that time, there were two kings battling against each other in Java. One was called the East King while the other the West King. The stronger West King defeated his counterpart and was chasing the remains of the East King. Unfortunately, the men of the West King were so careless and bloodthirsty that they mistakenly killed over 170 crew members of Ming’s army who were just resting on the shore. Zheng He was amazed when he received the news. This was the first challenge he met in the voyage. His soldiers all asked for orders to fight back against the local force to revenge for the dead when they heard that there were armed forces in this small island who dared to kill soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

审时度势 顾全大局



However, as the supreme commander of the fleet, Zheng He resisted the urge to fight back. He knew that everyone was very angry as these crew members who had been following him all the way were killed for no reason before the mission was completed. He also knew that the fleet was equipped with most advanced artillery and muskets, and he could pay off old scores with great ease as the opponents were just a group of aborigines. Nevertheless, he did not give the order to attack. Instead, he told his men that although it was easy to wage a war and return in triumph, the voyage would be delayed as a result. What’s more, when the news spread, other countries would doubt the purpose of the fleet and generate hostility, which would cause misunderstanding and deviation from the original intention of the voyage. Finally, Zheng He pacified his men and dispatched envoys to negotiate the matter with the Western King.

临危不乱 大义凛然



It is the bearing and connotation of a great nation to be strong and powerful but not bullying. Though he was commanding a large number of troops, Zheng He was able to keep calm and sober, and take the overall situation into consideration. Zheng Hes behavior was not cowardly but wise. Being calm and composed in the face of danger, demonstrating the demeanor as a great general, these are the inspiration Zheng He gave us.






The great power of the spirit can always bring the shock of the soul, and the light of faith can always cross the barrier of time and space. For young people, we ought to learn from Zheng He, taking the initiative to cultivate a sense of righteousness, calmness and dignity, and to develop a broad vision and down-to-earth style. As the old saying goes, a hero is nothing but a product of his time. But in Zheng He, it is not so much that the times chose him, but he made the times to identify with him. He forged a legend with his courage and wisdom, and set a brilliant example for us on the way forward.



